Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Jon Toriumi, Con man, thief

I posted this headline so that someone googling his name would come up with the answer immediately. I worked for JT for nearly two months, he caused me to lose my previous job, I put in my tax return to keep the business going, worked up to 12 hours a day for weeks at a time and was paid $100 in cash total, most of which was given to me as gas money so I could get to work. JT owed me nearly a thousand for actual hours worked and quite a bit more for runs into Hilo, picking up employees and trips up to Eddie's house North of Hilo. Ok, it's all gone and I won't be getting anything. What I can do and you also is to document his actions, tell everyone and try to prevent others from being cheated by him. Let's get this done and ((((((thanks to Mike and crew for the work they've done so far. Keep it up Dude, YOU ROCK!))))))

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