Friday, November 2, 2007

Stories from California

I wrote a letter to the people in California who have also been scammed by Jon Toriumi. Below I will paste first-hand testimonials:

California Testimonial #1:

I have been reluctant to post anything on the blog about my experience with JT because I was able to figure him out and to neutralize him before he was able to do any harm to me or my friends.

My own investigation while in process with him, however, did lead me to your blog and there I found a profile of behavior that was identical to what I was in the process of experiencing.

I can report what he did to set me up.

He had overheard me “coaching” clients in spiritual matters. At a propitious time, he introduced himself to me as a videographer and documentarian. He said he was in the business of helping people with noble ideas and intentions to get a start. This, he said, was his calling.

He suggested that he could make a video program of me – a kind of infomercial – that he would personally “place” in five major west coast markets.

What started as a “makeshift” project soon became a full blown commercial production, requiring pro optics, gear, sound systems, mixers, etc., from Ventura. I became suspicious.

We’d gotten pretty far down the road in the planning process when he started to hit me up for money to cover his anticipated expenses.

When I said, “I haven’t got any money,” his whole demeanor changed. That was a clue to me that all was not well with this person.

I challenged him directly by saying that I did not know him but had only one means to validate his character: comparing what he says to what he does. I told him that I’ve noticed how he changes the game ever so slowly and deliberately – to hook somebody in – without ever actually producing a result. All that he seems to produce is… anticipation in his target.

I introduced him to a few video savvy friends of mine – as if they were also going to participate in the project – and who I had asked to assesses JT.

We fairly well surrounded him, like a pack of hounds on a fox, and flushed him out.

He was quite soon on his way.

-nearly stung in Carmel

California Testimonial #2:

My story about JT.

My name is Daniel Flores, I met JT while I was finishing up my bachelors degree at UCSB. I was the host of an Open Mic at the Selah Cafe in Ventura California when JT (Jon Toriumi) approached us and offered to film the open mics, and post them on public access TV.. at first he was very friendly and kind, but then he began asking for money, and asking for cars.....
It was the car thing that was the most odd thing of all. He would ask if he could "borrow" my car and then be gone almost the entire day. Sometimes, he wouldn't even return that night and call me late and say that he was stuck somewhere and would need to hook up with me tommorow. All of the people that were involved with the Open Mic Crew were young people, and from what I understand. JT was particularly nice to the Woman in our movement. I won't mention any of their names here, but JT got their phone numbers and would frequently call them because he needed "help" with a project. Sometimes he would call them late at night and want to meet up with them. Needless to say, it creeped some of the girls out pretty bad.
Apparently, JT had been filming our open mics, and receiving money from another non-profit for his time working with the movement. The problem is, none of that money was being given back to the open mic, even though he was probably telling his sponsors that it was. In short, our movement was the victim of blatant exploitation. but the worst was yet to come......
I had an extra car in my backyard that I didn't really need. I putted around in it once in a while and had planned to sell it for about $800 bucks. JT talked me into signing the car over to him for "favors" that I listed on a peice of paper. We both agreed to the terms and I reluctantly gave him the car. JT only delivered 2 of about 16 favors he had promised. And after months and months of calling him and tracking him down, He just dissapeared. He would make plans to meet me, and then never show up. he would never answer my phone calls but answer when i called from a diff. phone number. I finally had enough and I threatened him with a law suit. I also contacted his funder, one of the non-profits, and the immedietly stopped working with him. It was then that he left to Hawaii and began his con-game with Mike Purvis. Mike Purvis contacted me and told me the same story happened to him. It is quite unfortunate, and I commend him for moving forward and trying to prevent others from being scammed.
I have a list of names of people from here in Ventura California that would like a "word" with JT. He is in the possession of stolen property, money, and owes about 100 favors to God knows who. I know that he worked with another Christian group here who is missing money and got screwed by him as well. fortunatly, we live in a small enough town that he wouldn't last here very long before someone found out he was back. I hope this helps. Good luck, and I pray for this man. I pray that he go to jail and realize that has really hurt people in the worst kind of our abilty to trust in the kindness of a stranger.

but my hope remains.
Daniel Flores

California Testimonial #3:

I came across JT (Jon Toriumi) in Ventura California where he was at the time a regional assistant director for Campus Crusade. He was working with several individuals in the area helping start ministries and he identified himself as part of a ministry called Catalytic that works with college campuses. We met at UCSB and he was helping with outreach bands who were performing with ministries to draw the lost in. He connected with a friend (business partner) of mine and made contact with us and wanted to start a partnership with our action sports ministry (which will remain nameless for now). We were really flattered that Campus Crusade wanted to connect with us. Being young and inexperienced, we opened our lives and our venture to JT. We made ourselves available for anything that he or a friend in the ministry needed. We worked with him to help start a temporary youth group at Calvary Chapel Simi Valley and worked with lots of concerts and promotions with him. JT also took on a large mentoring role in my life and my partner’s. This really let us trust him and we never for a minute thought that someone in the ministry who was showing this kind of spiritual fruit would be ever deceive us.

A few things started to smell funny after about 6 months of working with JT. Our ministries became closer and it became apparent that JT had funding issues getting support from Campus Crusade. We helped put on several concerts and events with JT but he had trouble paying the expenses. He often came to us have our ministry write the checks to vendors, bands, promoters, and venues – with the promise that he was simply waiting for reimbursement from Campus Crusade. We obliged and ended up spending several thousand dollars over several months paying out people. We even were often writing checks to JT personally – a difficulty he attributed to canceled accounts and misdirected funds that were supporting him. We saw only a fraction of the money that was paid out.

We tried not to make money such a big issue because we really wanted to be focused on the ministry and the Kingdom. But there were several other things that were promised that never came through. JT temporarily employed a buddy of mine for a few weeks and said that he would get paid $2000 for helping with projects around the area. After weeks and weeks, our friend never got paid. The funds that JT was going to pay our friend was tied to sale of a street bike that JT owned. We don’t know whatever happened to the street bike or some of the other items he was planning on selling, but we never got the money.

With JT, it was always about the coming week – all the reimbursements are just being delayed… it was because of the rigid structure of Campus Crusade and Catalytic.

We also extended our equipment and vehicles for JT. We were given a beautiful and brand new black and chrome enclosed trailer for our dirtbikes and surfboards. We let JT borrow our trailer many times a month – through the course of this, our trailer suffered severe damage including holes inside the plywood walls, broken electrical, and bent support shaft. I know that the trailer was being used for ministry (helping people and churches), but it received such terrible care and there was nothing done to remedy the damage. He lost the keys and had to have new locks installed and caused damage to our dirtbikes and surfboards.

Underlying all this that I have just mentioned, we helped JT get cell phones for his ministry that he provided to people he worked in ministry with. He wanted to get 5 cell phone accounts for the people from T-Mobile. This was in December of 2003. He said that if he could verify that the phones would be used for business, he would get a huge discount. So he asked to use our ministry as proof of the business. I thought it was weird that he couldn’t use Campus Crusade – he said that it was a formality and a complication getting things done fast. He ended up getting the phones and everything was fine (for a while). What we didn’t know was that he actually setup the account under OUR business using our tax id number and forged my signature to get the phones. I found this out when I got a call from a collection agency in April of 2004 – they were taking me to collections for $5500! I got copies of all the paper work and saw his interpretation of my signature with him as an authorized account holder. I have no idea how that ever got approved, but here I am about to get married and am slammed with 10 days notice to pay the bill before getting taken to collection! I personally paid money from my account that I was saving up for our wedding to keep the collection agency from seizing accounts and assets. He promised every week that he would be paying the bill in full (selling some car or motorcycle). I asked if Campus Crusade would cover this and he complained how hard they were to work with. Something was up and I then knew that I had to take action. I contacted all the people, pastors, and churches that JT had worked with and found out that everyone was owed money. Some a little, some a lot. Many people had equipment and supplies that were borrowed to him for ministry use that were never returned.

During this time, JT would go off the radar for weeks at a time. He would simply disappear and would not answer his phone or would not be home when we would try and find him. While trying to track down where $5500 would come from, he disappeared for a period of 4 weeks with our trailer, dirtbike and merchandise (about 10K total in assets). I left a message and told him that I was going to call the police to get my equipment if he didn’t show up. He finally called and said that I could meet him in get my stuff – we had one last meeting where he promised he would pay the debts. I at least had my equipment and knew that I had to fight the rest of the battle on my own and get others involved.

I called Campus Crusade and spoke with a John in Orange County (I cant remember his last name). He was the regional director? He informed me that JT had been disciplined and removed the Campus Crusade organization because of his financial irresponsibility. He said that JT had racked up tens of thousands of dollars and that he was stripped of all access to his accounts (which makes sense why he needed us to cut checks and to cover him). Several weeks of providing documents and many phone calls along with sleepless nights of the collection agency, Campus Crusade in Florida payed our bill on the DAY that the agency was to seize our accounts. I am forever grateful that they helped me.

I have not spoken to JT since. To find out that other incidents like this have occurred really breaks my heart. I thought that my Christian brother had one little hiccup and a string of bad luck with me. I have forgiven him and have since moved on. I know that JT is saved – I know that he has the power of God living inside of him – but he is so desperately in need of being held accountable for what he has done. I don’t need anything and am not posting this to try and get anything back. More than anything, I really hope that he is brought back to the Lord and back to accountability. I hope no one else gets trapped or taken advantage of by him or his schemes. Now that I see what he has done to others, Jon Toriumi really is wolf in sheep’s clothing. These incidents are not mistakes – these are calculated and he simply runs when it gets over his head. I am so troubled by meeting these other brothers and sisters in Christ who have lost so much more than me.

JT – come back to God. Stop what you are doing and get help! You are doing so much to damage the good nature and will of Christians and you are setting a precedence that Chrisitans can’t be trusted in ministry. We all love you and want to see you reconciled and brought back to righteousness. However, there are consequences to your actions and I hope that you submit yourself to accountability for what you have done.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Coming from a positive space

Hello everyone.

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished" - Lao Tzu

My name is Karl "Lee" Reid. From October of 2006 until March of 2007 I worked at Eddie's Pizza. During my tenure there the name of the store changed names (Eddie's Pizza to Boogie Woogie), and had many people employed under it. Fortunately I had the opportunity to work with many good friends and eventually even manage this Pizza joint.

Some of the good friends I worked with where the Purvis brothers (Matt and Mike). On the first of January 2006 I moved to Hawaii with these two friends and lived with them until I flew to California in March of 2007. We all began working with one another at the pizza place roughly in January of 2007. This idea sprouted not just from our minds, it was also came from the mind of the man that this site is dedicated to, Jon Toriumi.

Our relations with Jon Toriumi (JT) began months earlier. He was introduced through a local church. Before we all worked together at the pizza place the Purvis brothers had beneficial business ventures with JT. It was during these times the Purvis brothers and I began building trust with JT, and began identifying his character. Though I was un-aware of it at that time these experiences would play as important references in the coming months.

Jon is one of the hardest workingmen I have ever met. When he works a tornado has been harnessed and it embodies his physical appearance. He works hard. This is a very important trait that many people observed. It was this intense work habit that many people interpreted as grounds to trust that he "knew" what he was doing. I am one of those people. Jon also has an amazing ability to speak. JT’s two gifts where tools that unfortunately made life much more unpleasant for many people. I am one that has felt the negative repercussions.

Roughly in January JT, Matt Purvis, Mike Purvis, and I joined to create DM management team. Primarily based around the management of Eddie's Pizza. To this day no one can say that JT was not the hardest worker. The Purvis brothers and I pulled some very long days and early morning yet, JT worked more than we did. Even though JT put in many hours the business agreement was not based upon hourly wage, the deal was there would be a split equally between JT, the Purvis Brothers, and myself.

For the months I worked many workers came. Jon assured us of his business philosophy, which seemed solid. The DM management team agreed that in a specified time we would determine if our plan was working. If the DM team’s running of the company was not successfully we would relinquish the rains of the company.

During times working JT would update me on the business; “o man, a couple hundred went to supplies . . . a hundred went to the rent . . . I paid off so and so worker.” The months began growing closer and closer to the date that the DM management team would reflect on our venture. As the weeks grew closer uncomfortable things began to surface. I would talk to some of the worker that I helped hire and train. I would hear that they were still owed money that JT assured would be paid in due time.

The day that I confessed to JT that I needed money because my savings had gone had come. While working previously these last months I saved up money. Having planned to not get as much money while the DM management team and I proceeded to get the business on its feet. However my reservoir of financial safety has been nursed to a dwindling mud spot. After much talk I was able to get a specific date that JT agreed upon for my payment (I asked JT three times when the date was for my payment to insure he could not forget; JT answered each time). Matt and Mike Purvis can draw witness to this very occasion.

The day came for me to meet him at the Pizza place for my much needed check. He was not there to meet me.

A few days later there was another meeting JT agreed to attend. The meeting consisted of the Business owner, the landlord, the management, and a mediator. Everyone was there on time. JT never showed up. Upon his absents everyone talked of what had happen. Many workers showed up and voiced that they have not been paid. At this time a police report was filed. After some time the truth had bubbled up. There were many thousands of dollars both related with business and personally that JT owed.

Early march is when this took place. I have not seen or heard from this man since then. Personally money and a working car where promised to me. So far he has not paid me and the car he sold me and said he would help me fix lay broken.

I cannot say weather JT took all the money the business was making for him or was simply a bad businessman who has yet to atone for the wrong doings he has committed on others. I can say that it is not right to say you will pay someone and not pay him or her. Fortunately I was able to stay in my house because I could pay rent, yet I have friends that were evicted because JT told them they would get paid and never did. That’s wrong.

If you have any questions or information about JT I would love to talk to you and eventually talk with JT. It is important for closer and understanding. Even if that is all that JT can give.

If there is any specifics or any questions at all please contact me.



Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Jon Toriumi, Con man, thief

I posted this headline so that someone googling his name would come up with the answer immediately. I worked for JT for nearly two months, he caused me to lose my previous job, I put in my tax return to keep the business going, worked up to 12 hours a day for weeks at a time and was paid $100 in cash total, most of which was given to me as gas money so I could get to work. JT owed me nearly a thousand for actual hours worked and quite a bit more for runs into Hilo, picking up employees and trips up to Eddie's house North of Hilo. Ok, it's all gone and I won't be getting anything. What I can do and you also is to document his actions, tell everyone and try to prevent others from being cheated by him. Let's get this done and ((((((thanks to Mike and crew for the work they've done so far. Keep it up Dude, YOU ROCK!))))))

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

a few more thoughts...

Mike and Matt,

I appreciate what you wrote, you did a concise job of describing everything that happened, as it happened. JT also owed me $2000 on behalf of Eddie and Marcia as part of the agreement for him managing the pizza place (it's a long story), which I have yet to see. Anyway I'm convinced that God will bring his justice (Psalm 37), and we already see Him working this out for good in so many ways. Doesn't make it less painful, but I guess that's the nature of the road of life.

JT, we love you and we want to see God fulfill the prophecy that was spoken over you while you were here.


A little more info

Mike covered a lot of what JT has done here in Hawaii. I would like to point out a couple of things which weren't mentioned.

For one thing, as we have called around and been in contact with other old friends of JT, we discovered that he did the same thing in Ventura, CA directly before moving to Big Island on
"mission." By the same thing, I mean, taking over a coffee shop, sleeping in the back and living there, and sinking the business as well as not paying employees. Eventually the business went belly up and he also scammed several people out of cars which they lost and when threatened with a lawsuit he split for Hawaii to begin his life here.

The thing is, I believe that there is serious problems going on with you JT, if you get a chance to read this. What possible motivation could you have for making off with this money specifically from Christians who are struggling to live as it is. I found out this past weekend from pastor Keith that he donated the brown toyota car to Lee and you were to bring it to him. You sold it to Lee for $330. Why would you take money from an 18 year old kid who was barely making it with his head above water living independently. This is not even scam artist material. It is a spiritual sickness that you are going through.

The good news is that there can be renewal and rest from your web of lies. The person that you are truly hurting the most is yourself, since there is no way you can return to your life in CA peacefully. The only way is to lie and convince someone else to live in their house and drive Ray's red Ford around while Ray takes the financial hit. Also the chaos that you caused here is minor Im sure in comparison to the chaos happening inside you now. The rest comes from repentance and taking steps towards God and facing your problems rather than running from them. Fly back to Hawaii and meet up with the pastors here as mediation, in fact bring someone else for mediator if you like. I will not forget what happened here although God is bringing me to forgiveness.

I remember the time we were talking about the scripture in John about Mary washing Jesus' feet with expensive perfume and how Judas scolded her. In that passage it reveals that Judas had been in charge of the disciples money, but had been helping himself to the purse whenever he wanted. You told me that the verse didn't specify that, so I looked it up and confirmed it to you. Little did I realize how close to home that must have been hitting. That conversation was divinely intended as a warning to you JT. Just as in Judas' case, the Lord is aware of your lies and theivery, and he allows it to happen for his own purposes. It is up to you to choose rightly and face your legal and moral consequences. I think jail would be easier on you than a life of running away and striving and chaos.

If anyone has info on JT or you want to talk to me you can email me at or contact my brother Mike. There are many people in HI and CA involved together in bringing JT to justice.


Where is JT? Where is my money? Where is my car?

Dozens of people are asking those questions and more.
It's really a shame that I have to make this blog, but it's absolutely necessary to warn people about one Jon P. Toriumi, because he wrecked a lot of people's lives here in our town of Pahoa, on the Big Island of Hawaii. Not to mention, he seems to have targeted a good amount of members from our small church, Grassroots Church.

I'm going to recount stories of how he has victimized literally over 40 individuals here, these are people that I know about and have spoken to. The real number of victims is likely much higher. But first, I'm going to say this in the beginning, in the middle, and also at the end:

Every single person I name here is in fact, a real person. I have phone numbers for each and every one of these people. I say this because I know JT has a way of using fancy business, entrepreneurial and/or Christian vernacular that can be very persuasive. As I've kept in touch with people in Ventura, CA I have heard him claim that he's being "framed" by us Hawaiian victims. This is just one instance of how he may try to cover himself and tell a sob story of Hawaii instead of telling the truth of how he came and ravaged people's lives, mostly financially but also very personally. So I'll say it again before I begin: every single one of these people has had their life severely injured by JT. JT and no one else. I will post first names, and I will post my own contact information, so get in contact with me if you'd like to confirm any of these allegations. I have a list of names and phone numbers in front of me, the same list I gave to the detective on JT's case. (Case #CO7009058, Crime Unit: 808.961.2255)

Let's begin with direct questions I'd like to ask JT. Unfortunately he hasn't returned any calls or answered any emails since he fled. I figure this a good way for others to understand the unanswered questions regarding his stay in Hawaii.

Where's Ray's car? Are you still driving that around? License plate 4Jb749 I believe. You promised Ray a car here in Hawaii, and that hasn't happened. Ray made the mistake of signing over the title in good faith to a Christian brother. JT, you stole Ray's car, legally.

Where's Eddie's business that you took over? Oh yeah, you sunk it and took all the money including the tip jar, change, and the change drawer. For all the blog readers, that's been estimated at $40,000. Preposterous? Call me, and I'll be happy to give you phone numbers to the people involved. Yeah JT, just to fill you in Eddie lost the business after you took over. He was only 2 years away from owning all the equipment. That was to be his retirement.

Why do you claim to be the Project Director of the Mosaic Project for the Hawaiian Islands? You handed out business cards with Mosaic Project, and your title as Project Director. I contacted staff at the Mosaic Project and pestered them until they finally called back. They have never heard of you, you are not a part of the Mosaic Project, and there is no Mosaic Project for the Hawaiian Islands. Was this title something you made up? That's what we call deception.

Where's my $2,100? I'm in credit card debt because I trusted a friend I had known for over a year. You have some debts to pay off, chief.

Where's Janice's $3,000+? She almost lost her house because of your lies and scams. I'm sure she'd be happy to cooperate in confirming this. I'm not about to post everyone's confidential contact emails and phone numbers without their permission, but for all you readers, just call me and I'll ask permission and pass it along.

Where's the rest of the money you owe Anna? Remember the pregnant 18-year-old you never paid wages to? Remember how her boyfriend beat her up, and then you sold her car out from under her to pay off another employees wages? Yes, that did happen. Besides the wages for work, where's the other $300 you owe Anna for her car? That's not a very nice thing to do to an 18-year-old 8-month pregnant needy young lady. (I know this story probably sounds fabricated because it's so awful, but Anna has agreed to be helpful in any way possible. Also, as the reader of this blog you'll be happy to know that people have donated their own pocket money to Anna so she can afford diapers and shelter. Unfortunately she was homeless in Tennessee after JT was done with her.)

Where's the money you owe Luna for cooking breakfast at the pizza shop day after day after day? This laborer deserves her wages, and giving over Anna's car isn't even close to a legitimate payment.

Where's Christian's brown truck? Yeah, the same truck you sold to Richard for $1,600 without Christian's permission. Even if we find the brown truck, then where's Richard's $1,600?

Where's Christian's jackhammer? You said you were going to ship it over with Snowbird. I talked to John at Snowbird, there were never such plans.

Where's Matt's motorcycle you traded for the brown Jeep? Matt had to sell his brand new motorcycle jacket and helmet once he realized you had outright lied about a container being sent over here.

Once again, I'd like to remind all of you that except for three street people I will mention later, each and every person here is real and verifiable.

Where's Tommy's $800? I saw him yesterday, he might lose his truck.

Where's Ophelia's money for rent? You told us (the employees) you couldn't pay any of us because of rent, past bills, etc. And yet neither rent, telephone, or electricity was ever paid. Preposterous? I'll see if I can arrange to get copies of the overdue bills.

Where's Lizeth's money? I wish you could have seen her ball her eyes out at church once she finally realized you were the scam artist we'd all hoped you weren't. She stuck with you to the bitter end; the very last one to believe in the good in you. But besides the mushy stuff, where's her money? The pizza shop was her one and only job to which she worked tirelessly, and she too deserves her wages.

Whose red car is that you left here, and where are the keys? I wish we could give it to one of the needy workers, but there are no keys and we don't know whose name this car is under.

If you're not running from anything, why haven't you contacted anyone from the close-knit group of friends here?

Where are the keys to the purple truck you promised to sell off to pay me? Thanks for promising that money to me, it turned out to be a clever decoy because a person can't sell a car without a title nor the keys. That car got stolen off the side of the road, I'll have you know.

What about manager Dave's money? Dave worked ultra hard, chipping in his own money at times just to keep the pizza shop running. You'll hear part of his story in this blog, I hope.

Where's Zach's payment for labor done on the cabin? The laborer deserves his wages.

What about Jose's money? Remember the hardworking high school kid who worked for a month and was paid a total of $50? I think he deserves his wages as well.

Where's Lee's money? You knew Lee was leaving for the mainland. Lee, Matt, and I had a meeting with you where we confirmed the time of payment three times. You ditched that meeting and then took off on a plane. Lee hadn't been paid anything the entire time he worked. You owe Lee over a thousand bucks, bucko. He barely squeezed by getting a ticket to the mainland.

Where's DJ's money? Remember how you had him working on inventory as a job? Well he never got paid a penny. He also deserves his wages.

Where's our Craftsman tool set? Did you really abscond with that on the airplane too? Or is it stashed at the Oceanview cabin?

What about Kimo's money? I met up with him to find out you gave him a little less than half of what he earned. How nice of you, but you still owe him what you promised, no exceptions.

What about big Billy's money? Like me, big Billy helped out at the pizza shop after you left, trying to help pick up the pieces of a broken business you left. I'll say it again: he too deserves his wages.

And delivery-driver Billy's money? Also, like big Billy and I he came to help after the JT catastrophe and deserves his wages.

What about paying Mack? He was evicted from his house because you never paid him. You were nice enough to let him squat with you in the back room of the pizza place, but you still never paid him.

Why did you want to trade Eddie, Moses, and Billy work for pizza, and then end up working them hundreds of hours? These people I speak of don't have cell phones, they wander the streets, and were easy targets for free labor. It's abhorrent how much you've taken advantage of the local people in Pahoa. You can't expect to take advantage of needy people, work them regular jobs, and never pay them cash. That is trickery.

What about Stephanie? She too was evicted from her place because of your negligence to pay employees. But if you never paid utilities or rent, then how was there no money?

Why would you spend over a year building solid Christian friendships and trust, and then leave breaking off all contact? Are you a true scam artist?

The big question, folks, is where did all the money go. And there's only one obvious answer: Jon Toriumi. Sure, the business was not making much money before he took over, but he can't possibly claim that all the expenses went to inventory. This is a business that had been running and paying employees for years. The question remains, where did all the money go?

JT has a lot of people to pay back, he has a lot of problems to fix. I'm fine with it if he wants to come back, apologize, work a real job and pay everyone back.
What I'm not fine with is him ditching the final meeting where he had promised.. PROMISED each employee to get paid. And then ditching the mandatory meeting between shop owners, property owners, mediators, and pastors to talk about what was going on.
What I'm not fine with is him never returning our calls or emails, breaking off all contact to the entire crew in Hawaii.
And I'm not fine with him fleeing to the Oxnard airport with tens of thousands of dollars.

The people he affected weren't affluent suckers who bought into a pyramid scheme or "legit" MLM network. The people whose money he took were poor, lower class, mostly Christian people of the town. He really put a hurt on everyone's lives. This story is 100% true.

If I have made any mistakes or exaggerations, please correct me.

Wondering how I know all this? How could a person possibly keep up with JT's victim list? Here's a hint:

My name is Mike Purvis. My phone number is (808) 987-9854. My email can be reached at